2 free appointments included
follow these easy steps
Book an Appointment
Select a date and time that works for you! Book an appoinemnt with one of our DrFootman orthotic experts by visiting our Book an Appointment page
during your evaluation
Come into our Cypress retail space and receive a free evaluation including a 3D scan, and fitting from a trained orthotist.
receive custom adjustments
After you receive your orthotics in the mail, bring them into our retail store for a free custom adjustment to make sure your custom insoles fit perfectly.
Caring for your orthotics
Keep your custom orthotics clean and well maintained. We'll teach you how to care for your custom orthotics for long lasting comfort.

2 free appointments
get the perfect fit for your feet
We go through a series of 3 steps. First, you have your first free evaluation including a Biomechanical exam and foot imaging. Second step, you receive your custom orthotics. Third step includes an appointment with our trained orthotist to size your orthotic and make any adjustments.
Appointment #1: Evaluation
Evaluate the problem and find a solution.

When you arrive
You will be greeted by one of our orthotic experts trained in Biomechanics. Your shoewear will be evaluated along with education of proper fitting of shoes. Education on appropriate shoe style and shoe company will be discussed and determine what’s best for you and your new custom orthotics.

Our state-of-the-art foot scanner will analyze your feet and capture data that will help us determine the next best steps for treating your feet.
A series of questions will be asked and tests will be performed to evaluate how you move and help our experts determine what is best for you Drfootman Custom Orthotic.
During this evaluation we will: evaluate how you walk/run, pressure map your feet, and discuss your day-to-day activities. All information will be used to best design and develop a very specialized unique product that is TRULY CUSTOM for you.
Appointment #2: Fitting
We'll evaluate the fit of orthotics and for adjustments as needed.

Assess the fitting of the orthotic
Please remember to bring in the pair(s) of shoes you will be placing your DrFootman Custom Orthotics in to this appointment.
During your Fitting Appointment, our experts will assess level of relief and further treatment options as needed.
Our experts will size and shape the custom orthotic in order to provide a seamless fit within your shoes. All concerns and proper use of the orthotics will be discussed.

The adjustment period
During the first few weeks of wear, your body will gradually become accustomed to this new and proper alignment. Because each persons body is different, the exact period of adjustment varies. It may take 2-6 weeks to get used to the orthotics.
During this adjustment period, you may experience mild discomfort in other parts of the body, such as the knees, hips, or back. This discomfort is temporary, and should disappear as the orthotics help the feet to realign and function more efficiently.
*Adjustments included upon request within 30 days
You can expect your DrFootman Custom Feet order within 2-3 weeks. Learn more in Shipping
How to Wear Orthotics
1. Check if your shoe has a removable insert or liner. If so, remove that first before inserting the new Custom orthotic, unless instructed differently.
2. Place your new orthotic inside the shoe, sliding it in until the orthotic sits flat and snug within the shoe.
3. Reach your hand inside the shoe and feel the top cover in the toe area to make sure its lying flat and is not folded.
4. If the orthotic is too long causing the topcover to fold or buckle at the toe area, present to DrFootman retail locations for orthotic trimming instructions/questions.
Wear your orthotics for up to 1 hour the first day, 2 hours the second day, 3 hours the third day, etc. You may wear them more if comfortable or less if necessary.
Shoe construction will affect your orthotics; they function most effectively in closed shoes rather than step-ins. When purchasing new shoes, bring your orthotics to ensure proper fit.
Concerns with my Orthotics
If your orthotics cause pain before you have worn them for the scheduled period, remove them. On the second day, do not attempt to increase the wearing time. Then resume your schedule the following day, increasing the wearing period one hour per day.
We suggest wearing stockings or socks to minimize the possibility of skin irritation. If skin irritation continues, book an appointment and bring in your orthotics for one of our experts to further evaluate the situation.
Occasionally the orthotics may squeak in your shoes. This can be eliminated by lightly dusting baby powder into the shoes. Additionally, you can add surfers wax or spray adhesives to the bottom surface of the orthotics.